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Edinburgh Building Surveying

LBES can provide the following Edinburgh Building Surveying services in the Edinburgh & Lothian's region: 

  • Building Survey / Condition Survey: Often referred to as a 'Structural Survey' or 'Scheme 3' - this is a full elemental building survey comprising a detailed analysis of a properties structure, fabric and finishes with a Building Survey report detailing the properties condition, identified defects, compliance with statue, proposed remedial measures and budget costs for repairs with appended record photographs and drawings. Edinburgh Building Surveyor can provide building surveys for a range of properties from domestic dwellings, historic buildings to office premises. 
  • Pre-Acquisition Survey: Carried out as part of the due diligence process prior to securing a lease or purchasing a property. This survey reviews the buildings condition, wants of repair, repairing obligations, compliance with statue and suitability for the proposed use as well as an assessment of the statutory consents required for the client's intended works and use. Edinburgh Building Surveyor has particular expertise in this field. 
  • Schedule of Condition Survey: Carried out prior to securing a lease or pre-construction. This survey report evidences a properties condition at a snap shot in time to limit the client's repairing liability at a later date. This document often appends a lease or forms the basis for a contractor and property owner to sign and agree the condition of a property prior to construction works going ahead. 
  • Defects Survey: Carried out post construction or post acquisition to identify defective workmanship, lack of maintenance, non-compliance issues and the like. 
  • DDA Audit: Carried out to determine a properties level of compliance with the Disabilities Discrimination Act. This survey looks at approach routes, access provision, ramps, stairs, intercoms, induction loops, way finding, sanitary facilities, signage and the like. 
  • Roof & Stonework Surveys: Usually carried out from 'cherry picker' to determine level of decay and wants of repair on historic properties prior to implementing a common repairs scheme. Edinburgh Building Surveyor can provide annotated drawings showing areas of stone decay, required repairs and provide budget costing. Further, we can provide Rope Access Surveys, which are a cheaper alternative and easier to organize than a cherry picker whilst still providing close, face to face inspection; we carry out our Rope Access Surveys in conjunction with a qualified stonemason and IRATA rope access technicians, which allow close inspection by experienced professionals. 
  • Dilapidation's Surveys & Lease Reviews: Implemented during or towards the end of a lease to determine tenant's compliance with repairing obligations with a schedule of wants of repair prepared thereafter. Edinburgh Structural Surveyor can provide services for both the Landlord and Tenant in preparing initial schedules & budget costs. 
  • Fire Risk Assessments - A survey & assessment of a properties passive & active fire safety measures in accordance with building & fire safety regulations. The process also looks at fire safety procedures and management. A fire risk assessment report is then drafted with recommendations for improvement. This is a statutory requirement for commercial properties. 
  • Rope Access Survey - High level rope access assessment of all areas in conjunction with qualified roofers and stonemasons to provide comprehensive review of your property getting benefit of a surveyors impartiality balanced with a contractors knowledge. 

The photos below show before & after shots of a recent project we were involved with at Peffermill House in Edinburgh, which comprises a 400 year old Category A Listed former mansion house. We provided initial condition survey of the external fabric, budget costing, tendering and contract Administration of the works on site. The roof, stone, rain-water goods & lime rendering works were undertaken by The Edinburgh Stonemasons Ltd. 

The works @ Peffermill House involved whole-sale lime rendering, lime pointing, stone repair, stone replacement, slate repairs, dry rot repairs, cast iron repairs and external redecoration. The works were undertaken in 2No phases. 

We have invested in a thermal imaging camera, which is proving useful for identifying dampness, missing insulation, poor detailing and the like. This is now a staple tool on all of our building surveys to provide back up to visual assumptions and moisture meter readings. We also have damp meters, laser distance measuring devices, tapes and laser levels. 

LBES has recently provided the following clients with Edinburgh Building Surveying services:

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • Capital Credit Union
  • CHAS - Children's Hospices Across Scotland 
  • Blackwood Housing Association 
  • Londons Pride Ltd 
  • Stobo Castle 
  • St Johns Church 
  • Happimag Hotels 
  • Ibis Hotel

LBES carries out Edinburgh Building Surveying, is fully insured and holds Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurances with an RICS approved insurance broker. We are happy to provide copies of our insurances upon request and we are regulated by the RICS.